Sunday, January 24, 2010


We have just gotten into the swing of things here in Valencia and tomorrow morning will be my second week of classes. I actually have a lot more class time than I was thinking, but I am getting 18 credit hours for this semester so I can't complain too much. I have a literature class, in which I am reading Don Quijote, a modern cinema class, a culture class, and a language class. Right now we are also taking a crash course on Valenciano or Catalán which is another language that is spoken here.

This past weekend we look another excursion through the city and climbed up the long winding staircase of the cathedral tower to get a great look over the whole city.
The cathedral in the Plaza de la Reina

I had no idea Valencia was so big until I got to see this view.

Rosa, the daughter of one of our teachers. She is absolutely adorable along with every other small kid in Spain. The parents dress their kids so nice here and all the girls almost always have some type of bow in their hair.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying Valencia! I'm jealous you're getting to learn Catalan because we didn't get to! How was the game? Did they do all the cool cheers and sing the songs that you can't really understand because its in Catalan? That was my favorite part...AMUNT VALENCIA! Ha ha! Anyway, be sure to tell Jesus us Spain '08ers think baby Rosa is so adorable! She was a newborn when we were there. Hope all contines to go well! I'll be following your adventures :0)